Thursday, 18 February 2016

Weather on Gough

The few days was really enjoyable on the Island. We have had good rain on the 16th and measure 34.2mm of rain.  The following days was more clear weather and there was sunshine as well. But southerly winds keep the temperatures very low. It was heater night, cold evenings.

This was the weather for today:
Thu 18/02/2016:
Synopsis : A surface high pressure system dominates over the Island.
Wind     : Variable 05 to 10.
Wx       : Partly cloudy.

1800 UTC Shipping Chart

This morning picture from my room.
 The base entrants.
 Weather station.
 South African and Tristan da Gunha flags.
Nice Towering Cumulus clouds and and rain.

Storm moving away from base.
 Rain over the South Atlantic Ocean.
 Storm tracking.
Tristan da Gunha Flag. Notice how the wind is blowing from the east.

Here is your shipping chart for today. 1200UTC

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