Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Postdoctoral Position in Atmospheric Physics Applied to Nowcasting.

Opportunity for Postdoctoral Position in Atmospheric Physics Applied to Nowcasting.
The Center for Weather Forecast and Climate Studies (CPTEC) of the National Institute for Space Research (INPE) is seeking a Postdoc to work on nowcasting research combining modeling and observation. The main challenger is to develop research in nowcasting of intense thunderstorms, understanding the evolution of the cloud microphysics properties to improve forecast skill of intense precipitation events. The activities of the researcher are part the FAPESP Thematic Project2015/14497-0.
The research project has among its aims the radar assimilation in numerical models to improve skill of precipitation forecast in the range of 0 to 6 hours and the study of microphysical process using dual pol radar.
The candidate should have a Ph.D. in Atmospheric Sciences. It is desirable to have experience with cloud resolving models and radar observation. Skills on Fortran or any other language programming is also desirable. The Postdoc will be responsible for radar data assimilation and the development of severe storm conceptual models combining observations from dual polarization radar and satellite with numerical models. Information about the project please access the URL –http://soschuva.cptec.inpe.br
Interested candidates should send a letter of intent together with a CV to Dr. Luiz A T Machado, e-mail:luiz.machado@inpe.br<mailto:luiz.machado@inpe.br>
We will accept candidates until July 10, 2016.
The contract is for 1 year, with possibility of renewal upon performance for 1 more years, with an income of a FAPESP Post-Doc scholarship at the value of R$ 6.819,30 monthly, and a travel grant equivalent to 15% of the annual value of the scholarship. FAPESP can also cover an “installation” expenses with air ticket and a fee for initial setup in Brazil. Rules of the program can be found at www.fapesp.br/bolsas/pd<http://www.fapesp.br/bolsas/pd>.
Dr. Luiz A T Machado , luiz.machado@inpe.br<mailto:luiz.machado@inpe.br>

BIRA-IASB seeks a beginner scientist or engineer for a PhD (Climate modelling)

Today's Topics:

   1. BIRA-IASB seeks a beginner scientist or engineer for a PhD
      thesis in climate modelling (Sergey Skachko)

We are looking for an aspiring scientist holding a recent*Master degree
in Physical, Chemical or Applied Sciences*, to work on a 1-year
full-time contract with possible extension up to total duration of four
years, starting from October 1, 2016.

The successful candidate will join the *"Chemical Weather Services"
team* and use the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model to contribute
to the ACROSS project. ACCROSS intends to improve our understanding of
the circulation changes which took place in the stratosphere during the
last 30 years, in relation with the significant buildup of direct
greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere and the surface temperature
increase in the tropical regions.

Dr. Sergey Skachko
Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Ruimte-Aeronomie (BIRA)
Institut royale d'AĆ©ronomie Spatiale de Belgique (IASB)
Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy
Ringlaan 3, 1180 Brussel Belgiƫ
Tel.: +32 2 89 09 862
Fax: +32 2 374 84 23
email: Sergey.Skachko@aeronomie.be

Friday, 10 June 2016

Gough Island: Adventures in the mountains in the sea

This video was from G60 Overwintering Team 14/15. Was captured by Chris and Michelle(Birders).

Video: Youtube channel of Chris.

Rain Friday Afternoon.

We end the day on a Rainy Note.

There is more raining days on this Island in one year almost everyday. That's why it is so beautiful here. 

There was some Thunderstorms a few nights ago. Rare for Gough Island. Here is some pictures.
02:00-03:00 am on Tuesday morning.

Rain Friday afternoon
 Birds: Most of the sea birds are gone for winter. This poor fellow are from the last chicks. Sooty Albatross


Thursday, 9 June 2016

Postdoc/research scientist in greenhouse gases at National Physical Laboratory London (Tim Arnold)

Postdoc/research scientist in greenhouse gases at National Physical Laboratory London (Tim Arnold)

 The National Physical Laboratory in London (UK) is looking for a postdoctoral scientist to work on developing new instrumentation to understand sources of greenhouse gases on regional scales.

Requirements include:

-        A PhD in the physical sciences focusing on instrument/technique development

-        Strong analytical skills and experience in programming for data analysis and/or instrument control

-        Knowledge/academic background in atmospheric science would be advantageous

-        Excellent verbal and written communication skills

-        A willingness to travel for collaborative projects and meetings/conferences

This is a 2.5 year contract but with the possibility of extension. There will be opportunities to travel to conferences and meetings, and engage with a wide community of scientists in the UK and abroad. You may also be involved in projects of the wider group of ~25 scientists according to opportunities within the group and main project flexibility.

Closing date is 21st June

More detailed information and a link to the application can be found here: http://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/ANS660/higher-research-scientist-emissions-and-atmospheric-metrology-group/

Please contact Tim Arnold for further information (tim.arnold@npl.co.uk<mailto:tim.arnold@npl.co.uk>)

Tim Arnold
Emissions and Atmospheric Metrology Group, Environment Division
National Physical Laboratory | Hampton Rd | Teddington | Middlesex | UK | TW11 0LW
t: 020 8943 8711
e: tim.arnold@npl.co.uk<mailto:tim.arnold@npl.co.uk>
w: www.npl.co.uk/people/tim-arnold<http://www.npl.co.uk/people/tim-arnold>